Recent content by superdaddydrew

  1. S

    what can I do.. slander?

    My ex wife recently filed a petition against me citing past social services cases that she filed. The allegations are very bad, she accuses me of neglect and hitting the kids, specifically said I choked one of them. She calls me a drug addict, says I am financialy unstable and just outrageous...
  2. S

    Child support/custody time sensitive

    If you have not reported anything to CPS then you will have a hard time selling that your child is in danger. Basically you will have to prove her unfit to win custody, and you really should go to the hearing. If you can't afford to drive to your court hearing then how can you expect the judge...
  3. S

    I wish to become emancipated based on my situation.

    Listen I know you are in a hard spot but take it from me man. My family turned me loose at 16 and I took off into the world probably from a tougher situation than you are in. If you aren't going to be hurt GRADUATE and go to college, do not quit school and do not get sidetracked by your...
  4. S

    Can Ex Change Custodial Agreement Based On My New Fiance' (Parolee)??

    My ex wife started dating a felon, he wasn't on parole or probation but it was for violent crime and he had a drug history also. Thankfully I never had to turn down any of her visits because she just didn't take them, she married the guy and I let the kids attend the wedding and meet the guy...
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    I wish to become emancipated based on my situation.

    Can your mother file for custody? I believe they have to take your wished into consideration in court. What can social services do have you reported physical abuse? Call a social worker in your county.
  6. S

    Single Father fed up need HELP!

    I just pray someone here knows what I need to do! I am a single father of three kids, I have had custody since 2004. When I won the ex moved to INdiana and the child support order was sent to them for enforcment. I gave her the state minimum and standard visitation every other weekend...
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    A mom wanting her child back

    I am a single father of 3 that had a similar situation kinda. My ex wife left and took the kids, after a couple months she had sent them home this was during summer. She asked me to keep them for about a month because she got a new boyfriend and her catholic foster mother wouldn't allow them...