Recent content by strained

  1. S


    Thank you for your advice.
  2. S


    Thank you. I have a call into a lawyer and just waiting.
  3. S


    Thank you so much for helping. I have called every place I can find a number to and no one can help me. I will give a 15 day notice tomorrow. I need to bring him to small claims court for the 2000 and the damage his daughter caused to my house correct? The retaliation, threats, and demands are...
  4. S


    I have a live in boyfriend - now ex - who will not leave my home. He is a tenant at will as it is my home and he moved into my home in 2014 due to being my boyfriend and wanting to live together. The relationship has ended and I asked him to leave on 12/24/17 and also again 4/5/18. We have...