Recent content by spydave00

  1. S

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Michigan Minor in Possession

    minor in possession reply Thanks for your help. But I have one more thing to say. I have an arraingment on March 6th would I meet with the prosecutor before that or plead not guilty and then talk to the prosecutor. Or should I take the YODA program in Michigan where if I plead guilty I get 150...
  2. S

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Michigan Minor in Possession

    I go to western michigan university I was just charged with a minor in possession about an hour ago. On my ticket I have a court date already set up. The alcohol was in my dorm room fridge at the time. I had nothing to drink that night and blew 000 on the breath test. The police officer...