Recent content by skygirlwmu

  1. skygirlwmu

    Spraying hose at dog, Animal Cruelty???

    When the deputy came in to talk to us, she just told us she was giving us a ticket for animal cruelty. I didnt find out until later that it was an arrest and that I have to go to court about it. She was very nice, and never said any of the Miranda rights, so we had no idea it was something...
  2. skygirlwmu

    Spraying hose at dog, Animal Cruelty???

    I will try not to be too long... Our neighbor has two beagles who bark/howl constantly. Animal control has gone out and had them sign paperwork saying they would fix the problem, but nothing has been done. We have called the sheriff many times but they never send anyone out. Talked to the...