Recent content by skottt

  1. S

    Can management do this?

    Lesson learned...dont work closely with members of the opposite sex.
  2. S

    Can management do this?

    It is one thing to ask the nature of a relationship, it is quite another to tell someone how i feel about them personally, especially when it is false information. I may not have a legal case, but wouldn't you agree that HR or corporate might view this as unethical behaviour on the part of...
  3. S

    Can management do this?

    Thanks Unbelievable. So management can go to as many people as they want to and say, "Hey, we hear so-and-so has 'the hots' for you, did you know that? Just how do you feel personally about him?" and this isn't defamatory?
  4. S

    Can management do this?

    I am a 47yo male. Recently, an associate with the same job description as me informed me that management had told her that they were of the belief that I had a romantic interest in her. They also told her that she would be fired if she told me she had spoken to them about it. I'm not sure why...