Recent content by signat

  1. S

    Road Rage Judge

    I doubt it.
  2. S

    need help

    Just turn yourself in and complete the 27 days.
  3. S

    Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Statutory Rape or Sexual Abuse?

    She has no wrong to admit to. Heck, she might have loved him, but how much about love does a 12-year-old know, or about sex for that matter. She didn't do anything wrong. The point is that, in the eyes of the law, she is unable to make intelligible decisions about sex at age 12. Her boyfriend...
  4. S

    Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Statutory Rape or Sexual Abuse?

    If convicted, yes; he would have to register as a sex offender. There is no way to determine how strong the case against him would likely be, but typically, all cases such as this start with a he said/she said and children are usually looked at as pretty credible in situations like this. They...
  5. S

    Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Statutory Rape or Sexual Abuse?

    Here is the statute: 18-3-405. Sexual assault on a child. Statute text (1) Any actor who knowingly subjects another not his or her spouse to any sexual contact commits sexual assault on a child if the victim is less than fifteen years of age and the actor is at least four years older...
  6. S

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Petty theft.

    Look, you are really gonna need an attorney. It may cost more than the fine, but you won't have a conviction. From the sound of it, you could argue intent (i.e. I didn't know the it was wrong) might fly.
  7. S

    Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Statutory Rape or Sexual Abuse?

    You should really post the name of your state for more accurate info, but in general the age of consent is at the lowest 16. So this would, at the very least, be considered illegal sexual conduct with a minor and, possibly, statutory rape. Different states have different statutes that carry...
  8. S

    Guilty of Not Assisting?

    Under certain circumstances and with the broadest interpretation of the word "assistance," - Yes.
  9. S

    Guilty of Not Assisting?

    Going to get help would constitue as assisting the victim. I am not sure what the term or codified law is in NY, but a lot of states have laws against depraved indifference. It is a civic duty to help people in an emergency without putting oneself in immediate risk of injury.