Recent content by shecky

  1. S

    Private Enforcement Action

    Is anyone familiar with a private enforcement action of a zoning ordinance. We may be going down this path as the township has not stopped an unlawful contracting operation in our neighborhood. We understand we must give the township 30 days notice if we enter into a private enforcement action...
  2. S

    Property split between 2 municipalities

    If a property is aligned to one township tax wise, but the property is split between 2 municipalities, would the municipality the owner is not aligned be able to enforce thier zoning codes on activity that goes on in the portion of the property in their township? Thank you.
  3. S

    Options against township inaction

    Hi, We have a situation where a business in our neighborhood has become a big factor in devaluing our property and quility of life. It appears the township supervisors have known this business was operating as a use not allowwed by the village center zoning district of the neighborhood for...