Recent content by Sassymomma

  1. S

    Dfcs and cps help!!!!

    I was told to sign a safety plan or the kids were to be removed and put into foster care. There was no explanation why. I didn't know I had any other choice. I have called them and FINALLY got an answer to sign another plan?? I'm not sure what to do?
  2. S

    Dfcs and cps help!!!!

    I was tricked into signing a "safety plan" my 3 kids are now with my mom and dad. I'm losing my home because the money from my sons ssi isn't going to us. Where can I get HELP??? I wasn't given any reason why they took them or how long. It's been since may 21st. Where do I get help with a lawyer?
  3. S

    Tn DCS Violated every law regarding Child Removal PLease help

    I am going through this too! Can i take my kids home since I was coerced into signing a "safety plan" I still have my parental rights and I want to move away