Recent content by Sarmstrong

  1. S

    Can I Appoint Canadian as Guardian?

    Generally if someone feels the need to explain to me that children aren’t chattel I take that to mean that he is under the impression that I think they are. There’s are many less-demeaning ways to answer the question. Alright, I’ve tried this forum out and am left without much helpful...
  2. S

    Can I Appoint Canadian as Guardian?

    Yes, he is. This would be in the case that we both died.
  3. S

    Can I Appoint Canadian as Guardian?

    I think you’re confusing me not being a lawyer and not having legal expertise (hence my need for a forum) with me viewing my children as chattel. Just because I (admittedly!) don’t understand how the law works (not a lawyer!), doesn’t mean I don’t view my children as human beings. In fact, I...
  4. S

    Can I Appoint Canadian as Guardian?

    If I were to appoint family friends of mine, who are Canadian, but who live in California, to be my childrens’ guardian In my will, would that be upheld?