Recent content by sahuna80

  1. S

    Help!!! Please!!!

    Thank you for assistance. Sahuna
  2. S

    Help!!! Please!!!

    I wrote before with no response. I have accrued a large sum of debt and my husband is not on any of the credit cards. I got an unsecured loan to cover my debts. I was paying, but also accrued more debt. Now I can't afford any of the bills. My husband pays for all of the household stuff and...
  3. S

    My debt, how is my husband affected?

    I have accrued a lot of debts in my name, I am trying to get help thru a program. Will my debts that are in my name (which are past due) affect my husband's credit? Can creditors go after him or the house? Can you answer a question about taxes??? The settlement program stated it may...