Recent content by rtfmadeamistake

  1. R

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifted, Going Through Background Check

    Hello, I recently was involved in a shoplifting incident about 5 months ago (it happened in January). The police wasn't called or anything. I received my civil demand and paid for it right away. Also, there wasn't a court case involved either (or not yet haven't received a notice for a court...
  2. R

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft What does this mean?

    Can someone explained to me what this letter is saying? I received this in the mail today, after paying my civil demand. Thank you for all your help. Release of Civil Liability The undersigned, on behalf of Macy's, hereby acknowledges receipt of sufficient consideration and full satisfaction...
  3. R

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Caught Shoplifting Macys California

    Re: Caught Shoplifting Store Name California Thank you everyone for your replies. Am I allowed to tell you the store name? I guess you could say it's a Major Department store. ***REMOVED BY ADMIN - will be able to identify retailer*** Although they didn't call the police, I forgot to mention...
  4. R

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Caught Shoplifting Macys California

    Re: Caught Shoplifting Store Name California Oh also to add, that I am also banned from the store for 3 years. And how long should I wait for the civil demand notice? Should I call the number they gave me and ask if it was sent or not? I want to pay it ASAP. :[
  5. R

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Caught Shoplifting Macys California

    I was caught shoplifting. The item was on clearance, but they are making me pay full price of $77. This was my first time offense, and first time shoplifting. I made a terrible mistake and WILL NEVER do it again. (I'll never shop again for the matter either) I am a full time university student...