Recent content by panerainovice

  1. P

    Facebook Stalking

    The police have better things to do than go after something as petty as this. Think of all the crimes going on. Why would the cops put your issue ahead of domestic violence, murders, robberies, assualt. Grow up and block the person.
  2. P

    Cease and desist letter received but not sure what other troubles I can get into.

    It's quite a small company so a lot of the policy was just coming from the word of the CEO's mouth. After I left the company, he mentioned to me over a conversation on the phone that I can still continue to use my account. I was able to use it for 2 years till today as they have never disabled...
  3. P

    Cease and desist letter received but not sure what other troubles I can get into.

    I'm not sure if this is the correct forum section to post this but I hope someone can give me some advice. A little background of my story: I worked for a web hosting company a few years ago and after I quit the company, I still continued to use a web host account that I created for myself...