Recent content by paintinc17

  1. P

    Can I collect back V.A. benefits?

    My biological father started receiving 100% V.A. disability several years ago, I was just informed of this fact less than a year ago by an uncle. I have not had any contact with him since I was 3, he was extremely abusive to my mother and I, but he put me down on his records as a dependant. I...
  2. P

    Harassed by neighbors

    neighbors God do I feel your pain!! It was 4 long, miserable years for us. It started with their dog barking all day and night until they went to bed. We had the audasity to politely ask them to do something about it and got the same results as you have. They would sit outside with their dog...
  3. P

    Harassing Neighbor

    harassing neighbors You and your wife can file for a restraining order against your neighbors.