Recent content by oohjo56

  1. O

    need help with custoday please

    I will then be stuck here in my miserable life... :(
  2. O

    need help with custoday please

    My disability is for bipolar and depression. It was denied like they always do the first time, so I got an attorney and should have my hearing in September. We will be living an hour a part, so nightly visitation during school would not work.
  3. O

    need help with custoday please

    We still live in the same house until I get my social security disability. I am going to go for primary custody and he's goinng to fight that. i just think its better to be with the parent that is home to take care of him all day, rather than a babysitter from 7am to 6pm or sometimes later...
  4. O

    need help with custoday please

    i haven't moved out yet until i get my social security settlement in september, but then i'm out of there. i dont get to stay home because he works, i do because im disabled
  5. O

    need help with custoday please

    Need your opinions... On a custoday battle, do you think a child should go to school where the mother lives and is home all the time, or go to school where his father lives that has to go to a babysitter everyday while he's working? What are my chances of getting custody of my son? (I'm the mom)