Recent content by Olivia2988

  1. O

    Need Help Divorcing Addict Spouse

    Kind when I go to court, should I file for divorce and do a publication to have him served seperately? Or file for divorce by publication? I am wondering if the court will allow it. I have no clue what the publication consists of in getting him served. If you have any information about...
  2. O

    Need Help Divorcing Addict Spouse

    Thank you...I'm definitely gonna plan on filing for divorce with publication. I don't have the mental strength to keep going through this and just guess that someday he could get his act together. I looked up filing for publication, and it states that the judge will not be able to make any...
  3. O

    Need Help Divorcing Addict Spouse

    Hello, I'm a stay at home mom with 2 kids in the state of Arizona. My spouse abandoned us the end of last year. He left us with no money, nothing. He took what we did have and sold it for drug money. He was using drugs, and stealing, and collected 4 he fled to Washington state. I...