Recent content by NotSunkYet

  1. N

    child refusing to come during visitation

    Au contraire, the courts do act, daily, without any proof at all, especially when a woman petitions for an Order of Protection. Based on her word alone, many men are criminalized and forced to take anger management classes at a minimum. At least in the state I reside, Orders of Protection are...
  2. N

    A Father's Rights

    CS1974, Keep in mind; I am not in the legal profession at all. This is what I’ve learned. Firstly, the Mother of your child sounds a bit immature but a lawyer (one that you will most likely be made to pay for) will straighten her out quick or even her friendly neighborhood Social Services...
  3. N

    Child Visitation - Father Moved for Gainful Employment

    Thank you again for your response. So, should he stay put with the boys here on Sunday? Or drive to their home? Or drive to his old residence?
  4. N

    Child Visitation - Father Moved for Gainful Employment

    Yes, he created the distance, not on a whim but driven by financial circumstance. He could have stayed where he was and continued in a low wage job or move here and take a job with a living wage and room for advancement. And thereby allowing him to continue to pay his ordered Child Support. It...
  5. N

    Child Visitation - Father Moved for Gainful Employment

    I’ve tried to include enough detail without being long winded. Thanks in advance for your time. This is in Illinois. My boyfriend has found gainful employment in the city in which I live and has moved in with me. Being financially plundered by the divorce system has left him with few...