Recent content by nmic111

  1. N

    Child support modification - Income disclosure

    Work a Second Job?...for the kids! Hi, I'm not sure of your personal situation, but my recommendation would be to try to increase income on your end, while continuing to *gently* seek help from your ex. Send him pictures, news clippings, practice schedules and the like. If he's involved and...
  2. N

    Consequences for non payment

    Deadbeat CP's? I'm interested in this thread; I feel slighted as my children's mother, the CP, refuses to work. She has $25K/yr imputed to her through the child support agreement, but barely made $1000 in all of last year because all she felt like doing was a less-than minimum wage job, plus...
  3. N

    CS Reduction - Geo.Change in Circumstances

    Similar Case Law Examples?? Does anyone out there have a caselaw example similar to this one, where all parties relocated to the same state...and the outcome was...either way?? Tks,
  4. N

    18 year old goes to college

    Correction Guy, Apologies for the confusion -- -the State cannot garnish your current wages, but they certainly could go after yours -your current Wife's salary would probably not be added to any formulas, but could possibly be used as an "additional factor" when determing overall support...
  5. N

    18 year old goes to college

    UIFSA Probably Applies here.... Guy, 1) Yes, an Illinois court may be able to garnish your wages 2) Not sure, but I would count on it 3) Yes, absolutely, unless it is specifically prohibited in your divorce decree 4) You may not need a lawyer at all Bottom line, you need to petition...
  6. N

    CS Reduction - Geo.Change in Circumstances

    Registraton is the easiest part.... G. - - Thanks for your reply! re: >>You would have to change venue to VA to have child support set in that state. I don't know how difficult it would be to have it done...<< thats actually the most straightforward part UIFSA allows for Registration of...
  7. N

    CS Reduction - Geo.Change in Circumstances

    This seems like a no-brainer, but I'm just looking for other perspectives. I am the CP, living in VA. NCP moved last month from Mass, with 2 children, to VA. Children now live within 17miles. Both parents fairly amicable, and new parenting plan is in the work to allow for ~25% visitation...
  8. N

    UIFSA Warrants CS Reduction?

    I recently moved from Mass to VA, where my ex- lives. He pays CS for both our children, based on Mass guidelines. If all three of us now live in VA, can he use the new jurisdiction to petition for a change to VA guidelines? There are no other children involved besides our two; he has paid...