Recent content by nikuman

  1. N

    Out of state driver's license?

    I was in a group of seven "young" people. Some had just turned 21 (we were celebrating their birthdays). The only thing I was really perturbed about was the claim that they were legally unable to accept out-of-state ID's (only NYS IDs and passports). I wanted to call BS, didn't know for sure...
  2. N

    Out of state driver's license?

    I'd buy that, but you would think any suspicion would disappear after I started pulling out credit cards, insurance cards, school ID, and a military ID...
  3. N

    Out of state driver's license?

    Another slightly related question-- Are establishments allowed to deny service for any reason? I've heard some people argue that denying service is illegal under Brown v Board of Ed without cause (like being loud and rowdy).
  4. N

    Out of state driver's license?

    I was just denied service at multiple bars in New York today for having an out of state driver's license (Arizona). I am of age, and have not had any problems at any liquor stores (some will scan, but of course it's all good). The reason I heard today was that they weren't legally allowed to...