Recent content by newbftroubles

  1. N

    Statue of limitations

    Same situation-possibly a little guidance I want you to know i am sorry for what has happened to you. I have been there and am currently in similar situation in Michigan. Michigan law is 7 years statute to limitations on child molestation unless you have just recently remembered. I had...
  2. N

    Someone please help us

    My fiance's ex appeared out of nowhere about 5 months ago after not hearing from her in 8 years. She claimed he fathered her child and after a long wait turns out she wasn't lying. That child is now almost nine and she never told him about this child. She is taking him to court for 8 years...
  3. N

    Pregnant and Father threatens to sign away rights w/No responibility financially or p

    A little helpful bit of info undefinedIt seems that you are facing a difficult road but from my past experience, it is very difficult for a father to get custody of a child without proving you are an unfit mother. It is also very difficult to fnd a good mother unfit (atleast in michigan). If...