Recent content by NeoNon

  1. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    Wow, this board really brings some of the finest legal minds to bear, I see. I regret posting here.
  2. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    Nor did I, rask. I wrote...oh, who cares. Carl, There are many people for whom meth is very destructive. There are also many people for whom it is not. In the same way, there are many people for whom alcohol is very destructive, and many people for whom it is not. I imagine there is a...
  3. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    In any case, my original statement was that the traffic violation the officer alleges was imaginary. I included the lack of a citation as only one component of a totality that will, I think, persuade any but the haters of drug users that the officer was probably stopping me because he wanted to...
  4. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    By your way of thinking, a state trooper could stop cars at random all day long, or all the cars driven by young people, or all the cars driven by poor people, or all the cars with out-of-state tags, or all the cars with, say, California tags, or all the cars driven by people he just plain...
  5. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    It seems to me, then, if what you are saying is true, motorists basically have no Fourth Amendment protections at all against random stops.
  6. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    How? How would my statement that, if I lose, I plan to appeal, help the prosecution? How would a prosecutor be able to use that to my disadvantage? Would he be able to use it to show me in a negative light to the jury? Is there some principle of law that he could invoke?
  7. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    Actually, Carl, my questions have not been answered. I wondered in my original post whether knowledge of the fact that I would appeal a conviction could harm my case, whether the prosecutor could use that against me. And I asked you specifically in post #16 a question. Neither was answered...
  8. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    It's obvious, CArl, you subscribe to our national drug policy: Taking crystal meth will ruin your life. So, to prevent you from taking crystal meth and ruining your life, if we catch you taking crystal meth, we're going to lock you in a cage and ruin your life.
  9. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    This ought to be interesting. Please explain to me, rask, what the "clear cut moral wrong" is to which you refer.
  10. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    Ever notice that when the people who support the war on drug users try to justify their position, they always resort to reciting a list of all the evils associated with drugs--oblivious to the fact that most the ills associated with drugs are caused either entirely, or almost entirely, by the...
  11. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    I'll bet in a former life, rask, you were first in line at every auto-da-fe.
  12. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    As you asserted at the outset, whether I actually committed the traffic violation Trooper Olen alleges is his word against mine. But all things considered, I think most people will recognize the truth is on my side. I may be wrong, but I doubt it.
  13. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    You are out in left field on this libel thing Actually, more like the opposite is the case. In order to be defaming someone, you have to know that what you are asserting about them is false. To bring a successful libel suit against you, a plaintiff has to show that you knew or should have...
  14. N

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse If a major magazine prints my story before trial, will it harm my case?

    Progress? I doubt we've moved past the era of human stupidity, GH. It frequently seems to me humans are stupider than ever. Of course, I live in Washington, DC. In point of fact, the very first restrictions on drugs in this country came at the behest of American missionaries who had...