Recent content by mpgatour

  1. M

    Cohabitatin Agreement help -AZ-

    Great question. There are other assetts involved and there is a past debt (irs)owed by the other party that will effect both of us.
  2. M

    Cohabitatin Agreement help -AZ-

    Thank you for taking the time. Can you please explain why two lawyers are needed when the paramaters are already ironed out. (100%) I get the idea of protecting yourself. Would it be possible to both visit the same attorney with our parameters already written out? Just trying to be spart...
  3. M

    Cohabitatin Agreement help -AZ-

    Both names are not on the house but both parties have paid into hous equally for 6 years and in this age, I think its only fair. Especially when 200K in equity has accrued. We are trying to both be on a level playing field and keep it real.
  4. M

    Cohabitatin Agreement help -AZ-

    I am currently living with my significant other and we have decided on drawing up a cohabitation agreement. A house and material assets are involved and we have agreed on all aspects of this agreement we are about to enter into. I am looking for a Cohabitation Agreement or a Lawyer who can...
  5. M

    Consumer Law, Warranties MUTUAL Non-Disclosure Non-Compete

    I am entering into a corp with another party and am looking to lock both parties down with "the invention". I am having a tough time finding a NDA Non Compete that protects both parties. We are going to be equal parties and I want to protect both parties. I hear the NDA's and Non Competes...