Recent content by MovieMan81

  1. MovieMan81

    Mentioning A College In A Film

    I'm doing both actually. (I am definitely going to have to get a lawyer in any case, but...) I got permission to film on campus but I portrayed it as a completely different fictional location. Now I'm wanting to film on campus and CALL it "on campus". I sent an email to someone at the university...
  2. MovieMan81

    Mentioning A College In A Film

    Thank you all for your replies! Basically I am making a miniseries about aliens from Mars trying to take over planet Earth, and I use this fictional premise as a platform to suggest the value of the diversity in our various cultures around the planet. I want to use places that people will...
  3. MovieMan81

    Mentioning A College In A Film

    Okay, thank you! I appreciate it. I was thinking, since I am putting my best into this series and wanting to monetize and go commercial with it that I would probably do well to go ahead and get legal advice from an attorney. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my question.