Recent content by morgantegeler

  1. M

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse first charge drug paraphenalia

    im 20 so i know you were probably wondering if i was a minor thanks for replying another quick question what if the person who said it was his doesnt appear in court
  2. M

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication violation of rights

    now i might not no all that i need to know but im prety sure that the policed did some illegal things when they arressted me first of all we were followed by an undercover who never indicated he was a cop or anything. second they pulled us out the car cuffed us for no reason male cop searched my...
  3. M

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse first charge drug paraphenalia

    the charge is possession of a meth pipe i desprately need help on how to fight my case. well i just had gotten picked up from school and we were followed by an undercover that at no point let us know he was undercover. he scared the driver who thought it was just some crazy guy following us...