Recent content by Mooshyshoosh

  1. M

    Her demands and my life and future

    There really is not a whole lot more to the story. I don't know the entire details of their whole relatonship and of course I will side with my bf seeing the pain he is in. From what I know and have seen she does not want him to be with me or have his kids around me. Before me, it was a ploy...
  2. M

    Ex's Crazy Accusations I need advice!! He wants children removed.

    Thank You for reading and responding. These are all valid points that I have considered. I have documented many things throughout the years and continue to do so. I do not care for my Ex's girlfriend as she has consitantly slandered me. I have never said I have a choice in the matter...
  3. M

    Ex's Crazy Accusations I need advice!! He wants children removed.

    Ahhh..well in a perfect world, we would marry and have children with the perfect spouse and live blissfully for eternity on a fluffy marshmallow cloud walking hand and hand with our spouse as we watch our children's pigtails flap in the gentle breeze. Bull. If that were the case no one would...
  4. M

    Ex's Crazy Accusations I need advice!! He wants children removed.

    I understand that if legally it came down to it and I had to choose, I would choose my children. My boyfriend has been through a hellish divorce. His ex has used the PFA to keep his children from him for over a year. He has done everything she has requested, including attending the family...
  5. M

    Ex's Crazy Accusations I need advice!! He wants children removed.

    Here's the deal. I was very young when I met my ex and young when we had our first child together. I was ashamed and trapped and felt marraige and family were important. At that point, I thought he was half-heartedly kidding about the racism and all the other signs that I should have noticed...
  6. M

    Ex's Crazy Accusations I need advice!! He wants children removed.

    Thank You for the advice. I know my children, if talking to someone of authority would absolutely tell the truth. I really did not want it to come to that..but I guess we will see. My daughter..well she is 13. They buy her expensive things, take her everywhere, get her hair, nails done...
  7. M

    Ex's Crazy Accusations I need advice!! He wants children removed.

    Some Facts: I have had primary physical custody of our three children (ages 13, 10,8) for six years. He has custody every other weekend and every other Wednesday. This arrangement has worked well for the childrens school and social activities. My Ex is a known abuser. To me, but not the...