Recent content by midnightgypsy

  1. M

    Landlords Dragging Feet Making Repairs...Not Up To Code I'd Say

    We moved into our appartment in September 2005...we had previously rented a unit in the same duplex. Our landlords were always quick to fix and repair things that needed to be done. But since we have moved into this appartment, they have told us they know things need fixed and repaired, but...
  2. M

    Semi Accident...was fine...developed problems later

    In 2002, while in Kansas, my husband and I were in a one vehicle semi accident. He was driving, I was his passenger. At the time of the accident, I only had cuts, scrapes and bruises. All photo documented. I was checked out by the EMS on the scene. I had no other visible injuries. And I felt...
  3. M


    :( I have been there myself...could find no one to help me. I joined a poetry website in 1999. I was very happy there. In 2002, I became friends with someone I will call "Mr. X" Mr. X and I becane quick friends. We had a lot in common. We started talking on line and eventaully on the...