Recent content by mcspgh

  1. M

    Relocation - PA statute 5337

    So you are one of those ones who assume ANYONE who has EVER been homeless uses drugs... The MGM's fiance is a recovering addict. He used as recently as like eight years ago (that we know of). Happy there? He was fine with being there as long as he saw parents on a frequent basis. When MGM...
  2. M

    Relocation - PA statute 5337

    Give them the kid? He's safe? I bet you don't have kids... if any patent chooses ANYTHING over their children, then they are NOT a parent. ANYTHING! MGM has chosen her ex AND her fiance over her own children. I've told both mother and MGM that I will choose NOTHING over my son.
  3. M

    Relocation - PA statute 5337

    We voluntarily did this because MGM lied and said that CYF was going to come after us. She claimed that this was only going to be temporary and that she didn't want to break our family up. She is twofaced. We started realizing this after we moved into section 8 housing and she pulled him from...
  4. M

    Relocation - PA statute 5337

    I'm expecting the worst but we've been advised that the law is on our side. This statute is brand new. JAN. 2011. Superior Court overturned a case because the couny court used only one of the ten factors and was very vague on that one. They have to weigh in on this and give a reason - pro or con...
  5. M

    Relocation - PA statute 5337

    I am involved in a relocation case. MGM has primary custody. Trying to relocate. Claims a whole slew of things - birth mother homeless even though she lived with her until she got housing, MGM claims sole primary care - mother was there with child from birth (Nov. 2008) until Dec. 2009, even...