Recent content by Marcy_H

  1. M

    Lying in discovery (division of marital property)

    I have various account statements with his name on it. He doesn't list those accounts but I have pay stubs, tax returns, etc. showing the existence of the IRA accounts, contributions to 401(k) plans, etc... Yes, it's well over $200K, more like $600K He's hiding a large amount of money, so I...
  2. M

    Lying in discovery (division of marital property)

    Well, I know that too, but that will take a few days and I wanted to get a first idea on it now.
  3. M

    Lying in discovery (division of marital property)

    Hi, what happens, if someone lies about or omits assets/accounts in the answers to discovery? As far as I understand, everything said in discovery is under oath. I have meaningful proof that the other party is lying about the existence of accounts. Thank you very much in advance.