Recent content by maiden55

  1. M

    How Do I File Conempt Papers W/court Against My Ex?

    I have sole custody of my son, 17. I agreed with my ex to 1 week on 1 week off, with the stipulation that he WORK with me, as I have the final decision, per court, in regard to my son's welfare. It is not working for the well being of my son, as he agreed in court. He has done nothing but...
  2. M

    Co-worker, Assault, Harassment, Wrongful Termination Please Read

    I was harassed from the second week of unemployment by two office employees, basically because I would not conform to their unethical tactics and by them feeling jealous and threatened. I was forced to sit there for weeks on end, and refused work, even though I had the same positions they did...
  3. M

    How Do I File Contempt Charges On My Ex

    Single mom, 17 year old, sole custody. Last year I agreed to 1 week on 1 week off visitation because my ex (Who is abusive to me) agreed to working with me on my son's wellbeing and welfare. He is supposed to respect my decisions and act on them, because I have the final decision making...