Recent content by lsb0823

  1. L

    Can a landlord force a tenant to remove a bumper sticker from their vehicle?

    If he only had himself to think about, I believe he would have left it on. He can move himself at the drop of a hat but he knows it's not so easy for both of us. Sent from my E600A using Tapatalk
  2. L

    Can a landlord force a tenant to remove a bumper sticker from their vehicle?

    I never liked it, but it was a large windshield sticker and it said "No F***s Given" I know he has a weird sense of humor! I hated driving with him. Sent from my E600A using Tapatalk
  3. L

    Can a landlord force a tenant to remove a bumper sticker from their vehicle?

    We want to find a house soon so maybe this will give us the kick in the pants that we need. Sent from my E600A using Tapatalk
  4. L

    Can a landlord force a tenant to remove a bumper sticker from their vehicle?

    The only thing he can do is not renew the lease right? My son took the sticker off but I think he acted hastily Sent from my E600A using Tapatalk
  5. L

    Can a landlord force a tenant to remove a bumper sticker from their vehicle?

    Can a landlord legally force a tenant to remove a bumper sticker from their personal vehicle? Sent from my E600A using Tapatalk