Recent content by LONEWOLF1701

  1. L

    Assault & Battery Maximu penanties for felonies

    Of course the sentencing guidelines are different in every state in my state the maximum for a simple assault(2nd degree) misdemeanor is 15 years. he could be facing life with all those charges. It is totally at the discretion of the judge & the sentencing guidleines for your state. the judge...
  2. L

    Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Indictment With Out Arrest

    A few years ago i was indicted for a assault case that was eventually dropped, I went down to the local Sheriffs office and they questioned me & let me go But never processed me, or arrested me, no finger prints, pictures- nothing. A few weeks later a deputy showed up at my house and served me...
  3. L

    Please help us

    My wife & i have a 2 year lease on a rental home. we have 15 months left & the land lord who is a real estate herself put the house on the market for sale. before it goes to forclosure. She was aware when we signed the lease it was heading that way & never told us. our questions are. Do we have...