Recent content by likalotastuff

  1. L

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft did I get away with it this time?

    Heres the story. I went went into Kohl's departments store in MN. It was late and not many ppl in the store. I loaded up my cart with what I wanted and stuff I did not want. I went into the dressing room and put what I wanted into my purse and came out with the cart still full of stuff I didn't...
  2. L

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Once Im out the door Im safe ?

    I stole a couple cart load of grocieries the last few months under duress of my abusive boyfirend. Truly. Now we broke up and hes threatening to go to the stores and tell them to 'rewind the tapes' and but me. Is this possible when A) the tapes could not have watched me in a huge busy grocery...