Recent content by LaVern

  1. L


    Just so that I have really clear, the dad has always been active in the weekend/holiday/summer visitations. Even during the time that he wasn't paying child support my daughter would not interrupt that schedule. The dad's name is not on the birth certificate but we are not alleging he is not...
  2. L


    Thank you so much for your responses. I am fully aware, as I have been advised by my lawyer, that I have no legal standing unless it is ordered by a court which is why I initiated the court proceedings. I don't know if it matters but my daughter was never married to my grandson's dad and my...
  3. L


    During the time of my daughter's illness (cancer and chemo treatments) my grandson was primarily with me or my daughter except for his weekends with his dad. After her passing my grandson was just with me and continued his normal weekend visits. He told me and his dad that he wanted to live...
  4. L


    Okay. However, since we have already been to court twice and the paperwork, aside from this new agreement, is of record, can I represent our case without the lawyer?
  5. L


    My grandson will turn 17 in January. His mom, my daughter, passed away 1 year, 15 days ago. My grandson has been living with me since. He has always had the standard every other weekend visitations with his dad. He continues to have the same visitation schedule. He has extended periods...