Recent content by KSH68

  1. K

    Invalid Affidavit

    Ok first of all I was not arguing. I was just trying to understand something that I am unclear about but all you want to do is treat me like I'm an imbecile, which I am not. I'm really not here to get into a battle of the wits with people I don't even know. All I wanted was some feedback on...
  2. K

    Invalid Affidavit

    So it's ok that he lied on the affidavit? It's ok for him to say that he was the officer who dealt with the individual even though it wasn't him? For example, "I gave so and so x amount of dollars to purchase blah blah blah," and that's acceptable even though he wasn't the one? Shouldn't he have...
  3. K

    Invalid Affidavit

    I have a question concerning an affidavit that was used to obtain an arrest warrant. The officer who wrote and signed the affidavit is not the officer that was involved. Basically the officer said he was the one involved and it was an entirely different officer. What bearing does this have on...