Recent content by kpoitra

  1. K

    Who's at fault & what can I do?

    What paragraph are you talking about?
  2. K

    Who's at fault & what can I do?

    No, I was not injured in the accident, which is another reason why any lawyers will not really help me or take my case.
  3. K

    Who's at fault & what can I do?

    I will do that. Thank you for all of your help and advice!!
  4. K

    Who's at fault & what can I do?

    Well, like I said, I don't have money to hire an attorney and the only way they would get paid is if I sued & won. However, I've heard of Legal Aid type programs or something in the state of Georgia... do you know where I should start looking or what my best options would be from that stand point?
  5. K

    Who's at fault & what can I do?

    I obtained the police report and, at the time, I was questioning the officer as to how this would play out... i.e. If there was no citation, how would the other party's insurance pay for the damages. Both him (and the Chief of the Police Department, when I called him) said that on the police...
  6. K

    Who's at fault & what can I do?

    See, that's the problem. I did not go to court. There was not citation given to either party. I've never been in an auto accident before and so I don't know who I should sue or take to court or how I should go about things from this point. I also do not have the means to pay for an attorney...
  7. K

    Who's at fault & what can I do?

    I was involved in a car accident where a vehicle that hit me (vehicle #1) swerved into my lane illegally & smashed into my vehicle that pushed me up onto a sidewalk. Vehicle #1 claimed that another vehicle (vehicle #3) swerved into her lane & that's why she swerved, but Vehicle #3 never made...