Recent content by koiman

  1. K


    thanks gearhart7 If you are a man and you go thru a divorce, I'm afraid you will find out about alimony the hard way like I did. It's the judges way of sticking it to you if he/she thinks you have "victumized" that "poor woman". These women and their lawyers should get an oscar for the...
  2. K


    Sorry I meant rogue
  3. K


    I need a rouge lawyer to deal with this rouge judge. Any suggestions?
  4. K


    I've talked with many attorneys and have yet to find one that will take my case after when asked, I tell them who the judge is. They all seem to know this judge favors the women. One attorney even suggested that I wait until the judge retires (he's older than dirt) to bring my case to...
  5. K


    I was "ORDERED" to pay alimony. You assume I signed off on the divorce, however, that's not true. The judge rendered his orders and that was that. I didn't agree with, accept or sign any of his orders in the decree or anywhere else, but I have to obey them. Before you ask if I appealed the...
  6. K


    "consequences for non-payment" has 17 replies...i see minimal replies to other post just as important in my opinion...what gives??
  7. K


    1) Yes. 2)14 years 3)is this just informational, or is the duration of the marriage is a factor when Ex is capable of supporting themself? Alimony is not supposed to be punitive. 4) Yes I know an attorney is needed for re-examination, but I believe it should not have happened to begin...
  8. K


    I was ordered to pay alimony to my former spouse. She has worked for a good share of our marriage. She didn't need this money but was awarded it anyway. She was the one that left the marriage for another man. I would like to get this off my back and get on with my life. It's time to take...