Recent content by Kenneth Block

  1. K

    Job offer rescinded after significant costs in involved / Promissory Estable

    Thanks Tax Counsel, great insight thank you. For clarification the position was with the State and the home sale only occurred after I received my verbal offer in 11/18 and 2 weeks prior to the signed conditional job offer. The conditional was for a medical exam and background check, either...
  2. K

    Job offer rescinded after significant costs in involved / Promissory Estable

    It was not brought up doing an interview, it was more of an orientation...the topic of churches came up and I mentioned we were still looking for one. Thanks I will check the directory
  3. K

    Job offer rescinded after significant costs in involved / Promissory Estable

    Thank you for the insight, does anyone know of a good attorney to speak with in that area. I have no basis, but I have a strong suspicion that my religion could have come into play. I have a strong Muslim faith and this came up during my walk through
  4. K

    Job offer rescinded after significant costs in involved / Promissory Estable

    I am looking a for good attorney looking to handle this case, circumstances detailed below: 11/18 - Job offer given by State agency, but per HR rules I have 28 days to start. Impossible since family and home I owned were out of state. Told next recruitment was in 2/19 and that I needed to be...