Recent content by JustinforJustice

  1. JustinforJustice

    When is the proper time to switch attornies in PI case?

    I am a spammer. I enjoy necroposting in a feeble attempt to get people to notice me. I have nothing useful to say, I just enjoy spamming. Ain't I the cool one? Don't even try to banish me, I'll leave ONLY when I'm ready!
  2. JustinforJustice


    I know you already tried to contact some lawyers about it, maybe the way you told your story was why they didn't want to take your case. Anyhow, you can indeed file a personal injury claim. It is always better to let an attorney handle that for you, even more so when you go up against a company...
  3. JustinforJustice

    Trucker injured due to covid rules

    As others say, Covid rules and improvised regulations on job sites for covid safety makes it more complicated. But, my recommendation is to get in touch with a licensed attorney in your state. In theory, the case could be disputed to put the liability on the dock. Even with the Covid safety...