Recent content by Justin94

  1. J

    Is it possible to edit or seal medical records ?

    Also that officer said he had to go, he wasn't given a choice.
  2. J

    Is it possible to edit or seal medical records ?

    My husband works for the prison, the officer he was dealing with is patrol there are different rules/training for those positions so when the officer told him he had to go he went to avoid anything escalating. The officer forced himself into our home uninvited after he said he was taking him so...
  3. J

    Is it possible to edit or seal medical records ?

    My husband was venting to a coworker during a rough week and said "I feel like dying." It was situational and he didn't mean it literally, just a way to vent frustration. My husband lost his job a week later because they changed his schedule on his day and he wasn't notified, since he hadnt seen...