Recent content by Jojoboyslife

  1. Jojoboyslife

    Room mate moved out without paying

    Ve ry true but that's why you just don't let them know about it and do it as soon as possible that's why you do your research and know what your suppose to do in these cases but another question I have is what if they don't pay? Don't they have to can the be penatalized for not paying the...
  2. Jojoboyslife

    Room mate moved out without paying

    The person has a job is well off financially and I would be able to get a document to garnish wages that I could turn into the bank where he banks at if I do prevail in small claims court correct? and they would be able to give me the money he owes me correct?
  3. Jojoboyslife

    Room mate moved out without paying

    So I had a class mate who became homeless and I let him and his gf stay with me in my very small apartment and I even took the couch for them while they used my bed. What was suppose to be max 2 months turned into 5 the girl friend was always on time with rent but the "friend" was not we had a...