Recent content by Joesph12345

  1. J

    Photo US Copyright question clarification help

    Thank you Zddooah! I didn't mean to make it this complicated for myself, but I guess I did. Thank you for the education, I'm just over here 'bumping into trees', haha. I just wanted to make sure that when I register these images with the office I complete the forms correctly which you...
  2. J

    Photo US Copyright question clarification help

    Well I have a few questions that I originally posted. What constitutes a 'published' vs 'unpublished' And then what date do I use when submitting a 'published' photo. It does not make sense to me that a 'published' photo date overrides when it was originally taken.... Sorry if I am confusing...
  3. J

    Photo US Copyright question clarification help

    So let's take myself out of the equation. If my brother files the copyright his photos, he would use the date that they were taken. To me it's no difference than Ansel Adams taking a photo in 1930 and then publishing it in 1935. Technically (as I see it) as the copyright is 1930. You really...
  4. J

    Photo US Copyright question clarification help

    Ok, by this definition, I have some that I guess are considered 'published' as I have some prints for sell on a print on demand site to purchase copies of the print I digitized from the original negative, but I still can't find on their website if the publication date overrides the original...
  5. J

    Photo US Copyright question clarification help

    Yes this is one on my main questions that I'm banging my head against the wall. I can bulk publish the photos, up to 750, I think, but they ask, again the published vs unpublished stuff. Now I can probably check one vs the other and it may not matter. I am also confused on the date to put. I...
  6. J

    Photo US Copyright question clarification help

    Yes that's true.... My original questions are about submitting the photos to the office via their cumbersome website and their site not having the ability to answer questions and that's why I turned to everyone here to see if you could answer my questions about submitting the...
  7. J

    Photo US Copyright question clarification help

    Thanks everyone, let me try to answer all of the questions: To Z: These are his film negatives. I am in the process of digitizing these negatives into positive images. Yes the relationship is my brother and he is still alive and he we get along well. He gave me his film negatives and said go...
  8. J

    Photo US Copyright question clarification help

    Hello: I have some photography copyright questions I am hoping to get answered. I have a family member's film negatives that were originally taken back in 1989-1993. As fas I know none have ever been published and he was the photographer (I do not believe work for hire either). He gave the...