
I'm poor and have feelings of animosity towards the courts and legal system, like a good majority of Arizonans. I am sickened by the system, it is made up of abuse and fraud. The education system is the same way. Go into debt to get a piece of paper that means nothing to the field you are going into. Anyway, the legal system is designed to make you go into debt trying to get relief from something that you can never get relief from. People say move then, I say where? The system is the same no matter where you go. They say jump countries, I say then you are worse off; then you have 0 recourse at all. However, maybe jumping countries as a refugee from the abuses of local and federal U.S. government "authorities" may be an answer.

After all, the system was put into place to protect The United States Corporation, not the citizen or "employee" of said "corporation."

Why am I here? Sometimes you have to take the path most travelled to get where you need to go. You don't have to like it or recommend it to others or endorse it in any other way. It is unfortunately the harsh reality of things.
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