Recent content by Javier33

  1. J

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Possession cocaine charge, for residue on car seat I sat in

    I have consulted a lawyer and am now confident that the police were just using textbook psychology methods on me when stating my friend admitted we both used the drugs... Knowing him and that police use this tactic makes me 99% certain he had the same story as me when questioned... and this...
  2. J

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Possession cocaine charge, for residue on car seat I sat in

    Sorry, I thought the field I filled out would have showed in the post... I'm in Ontario, Canada Subsection 4(3) of criminal code: (3) For the purposes of this Act, (a) a person has anything in possession when he has it in his personal possession or knowingly (i) has it in the actual possession...
  3. J

    Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Possession cocaine charge, for residue on car seat I sat in

    Hello, I write this as I reflect on the worst experience of my life.. I'm a young university student that occasionally associates with a hedonistic crowd at rave clubs every few months, and this risk caught up to me big time. I was with a friend at a rave party, which ended at 7am. I used...