Recent content by jaaam

  1. J

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Sentences

    I was wondering where I can find a verdict of a certain crime that was committed,for the public to view e.g ( what did Joe swanson get 2 years ago for possession of drugs and e.g Carl Lewis, same crime ,got less time and same amount of drugs that he possessed.Where can I find verdicts of cases?
  2. J

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Importation

    Can anyone tell me the benchbook (penalty) for importing 550g of heroin in to Toronto and in British Columbia, is it different. min to max. I heard is 7- 12 years in Toronto (is this correct?)What about if my friend pleas guilty and waves it to B.C ,would it be more leniant...
  3. J

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Importing

    My jurisdiction is: Ontario My friend has been caught in Toronto importing 500g of Heroin across the border. She is disabled from birth and can not afford to go to trial in a few months because she is on a disability pension and can not work physically. Is there any way that she can get help...