Recent content by hydywijy

  1. H

    I guess this is the latest attemt to get money from bio father

    So the latest was that the ex wanted me to sign off on all arrearages and sign a "loan" paper with him so he could get his liscense. I informed him to sign this "loan" with a friend or his parents. CS just sent paperwork to me and i guess they are taking him BACK to court once again. Shes...
  2. H

    Answers on signing off of child support plzzz

    Now that i REALLY thought about it, the next time he calls im going to suggest he BORROW the money from his rich parents and he can sign a promisarry note with THEM. The sad thing is his parents are veryyy well off and this is their only grandchild. You'd think that they would have helped pay...
  3. H

    Answers on signing off of child support plzzz

    I guess i knew i did the right thing by telling him no. Just wanted to second guess myself for a min and see if others agree i was doing the right thing. thanks so much
  4. H

    Answers on signing off of child support plzzz

    I was awarded child support in the amt of 407/mo. He got it reduced a few yrs ago, not that he paid very often anyway. He now is ordered to pay 154/mo. My daughter is now 19. He owes arrearages of 3000+. He just called me and said he wants me to sign off of this amt thru CSEA. He will sign...