Recent content by HelpPlease555

  1. H

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Stole $30, civil restitution for $400.

    I like that. Thank you. Though can you please explain to me the question between civil demand and civil restitution? I can't find anything online and the only articles are about criminal restitution, which scared me.
  2. H

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Stole $30, civil restitution for $400.

    Also, I am not worried about being sued, I am worried about criminal charges popping up because I never paid them the 30 dollars that I owe, or the 400 dollars they asked me to pay in restitution. Regardless, thank you for your help, again!
  3. H

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Stole $30, civil restitution for $400.

    Again, thanks for the quick response. I was seriously about to pay up in the morning. Just out of curiosity, what's the difference between a restitution and demand? I was really scared about it.
  4. H

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Stole $30, civil restitution for $400.

    Thank you for your quick response. I am very thankful for not having the cops involved. I honestly felt disgusted with myself, how can I be that stupid? I am going to do my best to stay away from that chain of stores. The only think that was scaring me was that it was called Civil Restitution...
  5. H

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Stole $30, civil restitution for $400.

    6 months ago I stole some water bottles and other stuff totaling 32 dollars from a place I worked. I was fired, signed 2 sheets of paper and I was told that they wont press charges over something that small. The first letter I got is from some law group for $400 but with $100 payment...