Recent content by Gudino3422

  1. G

    Traffic accident - Lawyer took on case w/o Permission

    Hello, I don't know what to do in this situation. My sister and I were in a car accident last year(which was not our fault..) We went to the hospital and I turned out to be okay even being pregnant. She has full coverage however the insurance co. wouldn't pay anything for the longest so my...
  2. G

    Pregnant and already being threatened. Advice would be Greatly appreciated.

    Thank you NYClex for your comments... I actually went ahead and contacted a lawyer, she told me that I cannot get a restraining order on this woman but to keep track of everything in a log book so it stays fresh in my head and record it, also the law in Oregon is if at least one person knows...
  3. G

    Pregnant and already being threatened. Advice would be Greatly appreciated.

    thank you for replying again. this woman called me today asking me to get an abortion, and if i didn't she was going to beat me up so i would have a miscarriage and she would just run away to mexico. I'm going to record phone calls from now on and log everything. She lives w/my babies father so...
  4. G

    Pregnant and already being threatened. Advice would be Greatly appreciated.

    Thank you very much for the reply.. you know it's sad that I'm only a couple of months pregnant and this is already an issue. His other child's mother continues to call me and has shown up at my house before... when my child is born, is there any way she would have to be able to stay away from...
  5. G

    Pregnant and Father threatens to sign away rights w/No responibility financially or p

    Pregnant and Father threatens to sign away rights w/No responibility financially or physically or he wants to take full custody...Help! I'm a 21 year old woman, never married, 3 months pregnant. I'm 110% sure of the babies father,(we dated for 6 months before I got pregnant) Anyway, long story...
  6. G

    Pregnant and already being threatened. Advice would be Greatly appreciated.

    Pregnant and Father threatens to sign away rights w/No responibility financially or physically or he wants to take full custody...Help! I'm a 21 year old woman, never married, 3 months pregnant. I'm 110% sure of the babies father,(we dated for 6 months before I got pregnant) Anyway, long story...
  7. G

    rights of mother

    Pregnant and Father threatens to sign away rights or take custody...Help! I'm a 21 year old woman, never married, 3 months pregnant. I'm 110% sure of the babies father,(we dated for 6 months before I got pregnant) Anyway, long story short, since we are not together he is already worried I will...