Recent content by fivefivesix

  1. F

    punk looser kid causing my family grief

    well the restraining order was granted.. it was rathet pathetic. once the comissionre found in my favor he started whyning and crying like a 5 year old that wants a toy or candy. this went on for about 10 minutes. he kept interupting the bench and arguing with him. it is a little un nerving...
  2. F

    punk looser kid causing my family grief

    Well the court date is tomorrow at 1:30pm. I rendered the "peeping tom" video, the videos of him harassing and threatening are much larger around 45 Meg and I am having trouble getting a good copy. I may have to segment them in to smaller 2 minute clips.. I do not know if this will cause the...
  3. F

    punk looser kid causing my family grief

    yes I fled a police report, I have about $5k for a retainer cash and another $15-20k fairly liquid for such a rainy day
  4. F

    punk looser kid causing my family grief

    I went to a "law fair" today with hundreds of lawyers, no one wants anything to do with neighbor problems... any idea where I can get representation?
  5. F

    punk looser kid causing my family grief

    Well we live in a town home. The young man is very intelligent and has done everything from common area. Fortunately for me he did not know the quality of night vision surveillance systems or he may have covered his face when he when to my window. As far as suing mother, I am to...
  6. F

    punk looser kid causing my family grief

    I have a neighbor, he is in his mid 20's and living with his mom, unemployed save marijuana sales. He is of the belief that he owns the two best parking spots on the city street. Well guess what, I park there. He has escalated to snooping around my windows at night in the bushes with a camera...