Recent content by ERIC VERNON

  1. E

    Who Enforces Regulation E for Individual Cases? Nobody!

    I did. First, I called fraud. Spoke with two different reps. The first one froze my online account access, and the second told me because I didn't know the last four of my debit card, my claim could not be completed. Once I had the information, I drafted an affidavit and went with a witness to...
  2. E

    Who Enforces Regulation E for Individual Cases? Nobody!

    I informed my bank that my bank account was drained by fraud. I called in and visited in branch. I was told that I would have liability due to the manner of the fraud. I filed a Reg E complaint with the OCC, then the CFPB, the Dept. Of Consumer Affairs, The Fed, and others. First, my bank said...