Recent content by div2wice

  1. D

    Husband won't divorce.."till death do us part"

    I agree, file the papers !!! Goodness sakes, 27 years? In Georgia you can file for a default divorce, which this would be considered since he won't sign the papers. Man, that is strange !!! Look over Georgia's state laws, I found a state laws site that provides the information on Georgia's...
  2. D

    Divorce advice...

    I agree. You do not have to have his blessing or agreement to file. It will be considered a contested divorce, which can make things tricky but not impossible. I would consider getting any legal advise you can, either from a lawyer or legal aid. There are plenty of online sources to help you...
  3. D

    Need divorce advice

    A lawyer would be a good idea, or an online preparation service. My friend used one, and she said it went quite smoothly. They can help you even if you don't know where your spouse is. You do have to file in the state where you are a resident. You may want to do some research on your state's...