Recent content by Didnt_Speed

  1. D

    Is an infraction also a misdemeanor?

    Georgia, but I am more intrested in Federal l or Constitutional law. Definitions of misdemeanor seem to include infractions and definitions of the classification does not forclude the fact that an infraction could be a subset of misdemeanor. Especially in Federal law where an infraction is...
  2. D

    Is an infraction also a misdemeanor?

    When looking up the definition of a misdemeanor it seems to include various traffic violations, mentions felonies, and does not mention infraction's. Some definitions of infractions seem to set them apart from misdemeanor, but does not specifically say they are not also misdemeanor's. So which...
  3. D

    Freedom Of Speech and Volunteer Organizations

    Keyword in that phrase is Congress. It is your freedom from the government. Not freedom from your employer.
  4. D

    radar interferance

    IMO its just as likely that the cop had wipped his radar to get a false reading and was waiting for the next car without a passenger.
  5. D

    Got Speeding Ticket and I wasn't even there!

    I got a ticket a couple of months ago when I was on my way to my bowling league. I rarely speed and haven't gotten a ticket for maybe 5 or 6 years. This time I was on time and not in a hurry, but I wasn't really looking at the speedometer, not daydreaming just didn't think I was going fast...